Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lunge, Pull up, Sit up + 2mi run

100ft of walking lunges
21 Pull ups
21 Sit ups
100ft of walking lunges

18 Pull ups
18 Sit ups
100ft of walking lunges

15 Pull ups
15 Sit ups
100ft of walking lunges

12 Pull ups
12 Sit ups
100ft of walking lunges

9 Pull ups
9 Sit ups
100ft of walking lunges

6 Pull ups
6 Sit ups
2mi Run

Chavarri- 15:53/ 12:23
Carroll- 15:49/ 14:12
Maguire- 13:03/ 12:34
Nore- 15:49/ 13:45
Sowa- 15:22/ 14:19
Fralia- 14:46/ 13:04
Czapinski- 15:30/ 14:18
LaMora- 16:00/ 8:00 min 1mi

Stevenson- 30min virtual hike w/ saw and gear
OC- 2mi cuyamca run 13:53 + 100 pull ups

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