Thursday, September 30, 2010

Team Workout

400m team run
200 kb swings
200 push ups
200 sit ups
200 thrusters
8 rope climbs
400m team run

Vazquez/ Montgomery/ sowa- fire dispatch
Beucus/ Maguire/ OC- 20:36
Tomasello/ Brown/ Cormode- fire dispatch

In teams of three complete the above workout. You must start and finish as a team, for the first 400m run  run as a team, you can not start the exercises without all ur teamates. During the workout you can be doing a total of two exercises at the same ( ie two people doing KB swings, one doing rope climbs ect.) Keep a running tally of reps between teamates so that you complete the assigned number of reps and then end with a team run.

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