Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Team Workout

In teams of two or three (150) complete the following:

100m of ball throw 20lbs
100/150 Burpees
100m of ball throw
100/150 sit ups
100m of ball throw
100/150 box jump
100m ball throw
100/150 push press 45lbs

As your teamate is doing ball throws you start on burpees, they come back and continue burpees while you throw, when you return if exercise is complete you can move on to the next, if not you complete the exercise together before moving on. For teams of three, two teamates can be doning the exercise while one is throwing but all three must throw before you can move on to the next exercise. for each additional team member add 50 reps + 100m throw for each.

Beucus/ + Cormode- 19:58
Sosa/ Vazquez- 22:00
Maguire/ Fralia/ Brown- 27:49
LaMora/ OC/ Montgomery- 25:26

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