Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fight Gone "REALLY" Bad

5 Rnds of:
Wall Ball
Sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP) 75#
Box Jump
Push press 45#
Double unders 10=1, singles 30=1

Spend one min at each station completing as many reps as possible, at the end of the min rotate to the next station, continue this rotation until you have completed each station, rest one min then start again. Keep a running tally of your reps for each round and total it at the end of the workout.

Chavarri- 82-84-102-99-99=466 reps
Montgomery- 81-100-93-105-98= 477 reps
Carroll- 70-87-70-70-90= 387reps
OC- 94-84-91-89-93= 451 reps
Maguire- 130-130-135-135-140=676 reps
Sowa- 74-73-68-75-71= 361 reps
Tomasello- 92-93-107-111-97= 501 reps
Kruger- 80-100-104-93-92= 469 reps
Nore- ?

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